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This page is currently under construction, but since you somehow found it, you might as well visit the links below for the amazing artists, performers, galleries, donors and supporters we've worked with between 2009 and 2013.
Artists / Performers
Jaime Angelopolous
Basil AlZeri
Steven Beckly
Keith W. Bentley
Dan Bergeron/fauxreel
Tim Bettridge
Bruno Bilio
Davy Bisaro
Philippe Blanchard
bluemouth inc.
Ariane Boulet
Adam David Brown
Mitchell F. Chan
Angel Chen
Iris Cho
Chrome and the Ice Queen
Dave Colangelo
Nicole Collins
The Complete Streets Band
Michael Davidson
Patricio Davila
John Dickson
Bradley Emsley
The Element Choir
Scott Eunson
Joe Fleming
James Gauvreau
Rafi Ghanaghounian
Martie Giefert
Jenn Goodwin
Mary Grisey
Ann Marie Hadcock
Lauren Hall
John Haney
Markus Heckmann
Robert Hengeveld
Casey Hinton
Layne Hinton
Hanna Hur
Gillian Iles
Hayley Imerman
Dieter Janssen
Carey Jernigan
Je Suis Julio
Miriam Johnson
Simone Jones
Alex Josephson
Svava Juliusson
Ivan Jurakic
Laurie Kang
The Lemon Bucket Orkestra
Felix Kalmenson
Sarah Kernohan
Melody Krauze
Johnny Larocque
Caroline Larsen
Edmund Law
Les Petits Nouveaux
Gareth Lichty
Derek Liddington
Dennis Lin
Bogdan Luca
Jerym Lynch
Kristie MacDonald
Humboldt Magnussen
Vanessa Maltese
Kal Mansur
Sarah McCaw
Wrik Mead
Noel Middleton
Rod Mireau
Brian T. Moore
Laura Moore
Caroline Mosby
Faye Mullen
Charlotte Mundy
Renée Munn
Amanda Nedham
The NetherMind Collective
Celia Neubauer
Clint Neufeld
Tom Ngo
Heather Nicol
Dylin North
Anne O'Callaghan
John Oswald
Laura Paolini
Evalyn Parry
Ed Pien
Derrick Piens
Rui Pimenta
Barry Prophet & Janice Pomer
Mark Prier
Geoffrey Pugen
Nathalie Quagliotto
Radiant Brass Ensemble
Simon Renaud
The Rolling Spoke
Steve Rollings
Cheryl Rondeau
Lyla Rye
Alex Samaras
Lois Schklar
Jennifer Rose Sciarrino
Kelly Schnurr
Sexteto Tabala
Ali Short
Camilla Singh
Cara Spooner
Miko Sobriera
Somewhere There Collective
Max Streicher
Studio F Minus
Maryam Taghavi
Jordan Tannahill
The Taylor Knox Band
TH&B Collective
Scott Thomson
The Throwdown Collective
Michael Toke
Tongue & Groove Collective
Robert Tu
Unsold Studio
Jim Verburg
Tim Vets
Erin Vincent
Michael Vickers
Helen Vosters
Carly Waito
Marian Wihak
Elinor Whidden
Jinny Yu

The Fourth Annual Art Spin Exhibition
Donors / Support
Ontario Arts Council
Toronto Arts Council
The D'Eon Eaton Family
Castlepoint Numa
Ten93 Queen West
Blacksmith Cycle
Hoopdriver Bicycles
Galleries / Studios
Angell Gallery
AWOL Gallery and Studios
Birch Libralato
C1 Art Space
Circuit Gallery
Convenience Gallery
Daniel Faria Gallery
Diaz Contemporary
Division Galerie
Edward Day Gallery
The Department
Fly Gallery
Forgetus Collective
Forty Seven
Galerie Lausberg
Gallery 99
Gallery TPW
General Hardware Contemporary
The Gladstone Hotel
Goodfellas Gallery
p|m gallery
Mercer Union
N/A Collective
Narwhal Contemporary
Neubacher Shor Contemporary
Olga Korper Gallery
Scrap Metal Gallery
Show&Tell Gallery (Cooper Cole)
Somewhere There
Walnut Contemporary
Walnut Studios
Whippersnapper Gallery
XPACE Cultural Centre
Other Supporters
Bicycle Film Festival
Bike Pirates
Canadian Opera Company
Castlepoint Numa
Community Bicycle Network
Cyclops/Clay and Paper Theatre
Dufferin Grove Park
Dundas Park Kitchen
Fort York
The Great Hall
Hop On In
Image Foundry
Images Festival
Lilly's Lunches
Lower Ossington Theatre
Music In Galleries
Neighbourhood Arts Network
No. 9
PARC Youth
Pia Bouman School of Dance
Planet Storage
St. Anne's Anglican Church
The Theatre Centre
Ten93 Queen West
Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office
Tipicular Fixin's
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Queen West Art Crawl
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